Life Update 2024 – Burnout? Plus, moving to a new city!

Hi everyone! We’re already over 8% through 2024, so I figured it’s about time to give you all a glimpse into what’s been going on in my life lately! (If you’re not keen on hearing about my ups and downs in recent months, feel free to skip this post!) By the way, if you want […]

Getting Back into Having a Deep Life

Hi everyone! Recently I’ve been spending a bit more time listening to Cal Newport’s podcast, Deep Questions with Cal Newport. In recent weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to begin incorporating some of his ideas more into my life so that I can live that Deep Life. At the same time, I’ve been taking Khe Hy’s […]

My Growing Interest into Biohacking for Increased Performance

Biohacking has and is changing my life. However, I’ve only recently realised that a lot of my self-learning fits into the category of ‘biohacking’ (lol), although I don’t necessarily like its naming. Taking control of your health, both physical and mental, isn’t always necessarily about ‘hacking’ the body. For example, I generally don’t take any […]

How Much Should You Study or Work Every Day?

It’s an extremely common question, but like many other cases, it depends. The problem is, we suck at making objective and accurate decisions. With all our cognitive biases, our ability to deal with uncertainty also sucks. So the best way we can gain more certainty and plan is by looking at our ability to learn. […]

Reflections from my Yearly Retreat

Hi everyone! One of the biggest things that I’ve decided for this year is to have three clear goals in mind: Exercise at least 3 times a week (for at least 45 minutes) Certain Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for my business (omitted from here) Post at least 1 video & newsletter a week. Now […]

How Mentoring has Changed My Life

Hi everyone, While I’ve spent some time really crunching down on some of my recent New Years goals; growing my business and team, helping more students, I’ve forced myself again to pursue more discomfort and personal growth. I’ve been meeting with multiple coaches and mentors, from learning how to teach better, learning sales & marketing, […]


Hi everyone, Happy New Year’s Eve!! Here are my thoughts on approaching the new year. “The best time to start anything was yesterday, and the second-best time to get started is today.” This is almost always true, especially with New Year’s resolutions. Waiting for that perfect time when you need a certain skill is just […]

I’ve had a change of mind – Generalist vs Specialist

Hi everyone, I know I’ve been away for a few weeks now! With the conclusion of my 2nd-year med school exams I decided to relax a little bit more since it was the most I’ve ever crammed before. Fortunately, this went very well and I’ve maintained my perfect GPA. Since I’m still quite young I’ve […]

I have the most time in exam season

Hi everyone, Exam season for me is quite interesting. It’s probably my least busiest time during the semester. I’ve set time aside for the exams and reduced the number of commitments that I have significantly. Like my last newsletter, I’m still feeling pretty lost in terms of what long-term avenues I should pursue. Medicine and […]

Opportunity Cost vs Leverage

Hi everyone, Wow, wow, wow! I’m writing this after having a session with my mentor and I have so many thoughts and ideas flowing through my brain – all around opportunity cost and leverage. Opportunity cost is the simple idea that by choosing one path (or not), another path will be taken. Simply, if you […]